Friday, November 1, 2013

Hi. I'm a Wildflower....Let's start a Revolution

Originally I was going to write a post about my yoga experience, which was amazing by the way, but I decided to erase the whole post and write this one because I have this nagging inner voice telling me I need to. So here it goes.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Vanessa and I am the author of this blog. Introductions are always awkward, and this one is no exception, but bare with me. I want to blow your mind.

I decided to write this blog simply because it was time. I've been claiming to be an artist, a wildflower, for a long while yet have done absolutely nothing artistic. I'm not just talking about paint brushes and guitars here. I'm talking about creating something with my gift and giving it away to someone to use however they wish. Being artist to me is meeting a need outside of me with what's inside of me. Everyone has a gift and so I believe everyone can become an artist. An engineer, a marketer, a musician, these can all become artists.

Honestly, I just want to start a revolution starting with myself. I want everyone around me to become an artist and I want to be the one to inspire that and help make it happen. I want change. I want laughter and love and peace. I want walls torn down, sweat, blood and tears from people that will become responsible to make this change happen. I want to inspire people to wake up, realize what they were meant to do, take responsibility for it and start doing it.

The world needs these people. These artists. These wildflowers.

We need you. Now. We need your art. We need your gift. Now.

Why a wildflower? Because a wildflower will grow beautiful and strong no matter where it decides to stand. It will break the ground around it and make it fertile for something else to grow. A wildflower, sometimes understated, is always strong and grounds herself to do the work she knows she was meant to do.

My purpose for this blog is to start a tribe. A tribe of artists. A tribe of wildflowers.

I want these wildflowers to spread everywhere, creating beauty and fertile ground wherever they go. Strong, persistent, passionate, joyful, vibrant, ALIVE!

Are you a Wildflower? What do you want to create?

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